Eating a balanced diet is not a very complex undertaking. Some people assume that you need to be a dietician or a nutrition specialist to come up with a healthy diet plan. But most often, all it takes is some simple forethought to the kind of foods you choose to eat. Here are 3 simple tips to help clean up your diet.

Simple Ways To Clean Up Your Diet

1. First of all, stop eating anything that was not produced by God. In other words, stop eating processed food as much as possible. Eat more of fruits, vegetables, eggs, lean meat, and salads to keep you diet light and healthy. Avoid sodas, sugary cereals and all kinds of processed foods. Now you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out, but sadly most people don't.
Of course, this could be a little difficult to get accustomed to in the beginning. But with a little practice, it will become second nature to you. You will no longer have to make a conscious effort to choose the right food stuffs to eat. After a while, you will automatically start eating healthy.
2. Avoid carbohydrates that have a high glycemic index. Take a look at a Glycemic Index chart and familiarize yourself with the foods that are low on the Index scale. Completely avoid foods that have an unacceptable value on the scale. Fruits, vegetables and most other unprocessed foods are always good to eat. Low carbs diets are highly recommended and you can keep track of your carbs by referring to a chart.
3. Never make drastic changes to your diet. Your body would most often find it difficult to cope with major shifts in your diet. Try to make more gradual changes a little at a time. Don't make the mistake of trying to lose weight in a hurry. You didn't gain weight overnight. You cannot lose it as fast either. You would have to lose it slowly and at a more natural pace. By gradually shifting to a more healthy diet, your body would be able to adjust to the changes and adapt itself to a healthier lifestyle. Moreover, you would also be able to sustain a changed lifestyle when you make the changes more gradually.
When you make these three simple changes to your diet, you will be able to shed those extra pounds and keep them off for good. You will also be able to live a healthier and more fulfilling life in the long run.

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