2 Exercises To Reduce Thighs Fast

Exercises To Reduce Thighs Fast

Need a few exercises to reduce thighs fast? Ok, I'm going to show you a couple that you probably aren't doing. If you do them (they're easy), then your thighs will get smaller and smaller.

Exercises to Reduce Thighs

1. Use a mini-trampoline and jump on it


You may feel this in your calves big time, but you can be sure it's working your thighs a great deal. In fact, this is considered the #1 exercise for helping to diminish cellulite in your legs and butt.

The way I like to use the mini-trampoline is to jump on it for a few minutes at a time (a bunch of times each day) instead of just 1 long, boring workout.

This does 2 things. First, it keeps you fresh and allows you to recover quicker... plus you won't sweat. Second, it is a superior way in helping to boost your metabolism faster.

So I'd like you to try and make it so you jump on a mini-trampoline anywhere from 2-5 minutes at a time for a total of near 25 minutes a day. This can easily be done during tv commercials or even during the tv show.

2. Wall Squats

Wall Squats
These are better than squats with a barbell and weights when it comes to slimming your legs. Weights will add some muscle and this possibly will make your legs look bigger.

Wall squats are bodyweight squats done against a wall. Find a wall and put your back flat against it. Put your feet out about 18 inches from the wall and around 18 inches apart.

Then squat down while maintaining contact between the wall and your back. Do 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions for 3-4 days a week.

These are 2 of the best exercises to reduce thighs fast.

3 Simple Ways To Clean Up Your Diet

Eating a balanced diet is not a very complex undertaking. Some people assume that you need to be a dietician or a nutrition specialist to come up with a healthy diet plan. But most often, all it takes is some simple forethought to the kind of foods you choose to eat. Here are 3 simple tips to help clean up your diet.

Simple Ways To Clean Up Your Diet

1. First of all, stop eating anything that was not produced by God. In other words, stop eating processed food as much as possible. Eat more of fruits, vegetables, eggs, lean meat, and salads to keep you diet light and healthy. Avoid sodas, sugary cereals and all kinds of processed foods. Now you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out, but sadly most people don't.
Of course, this could be a little difficult to get accustomed to in the beginning. But with a little practice, it will become second nature to you. You will no longer have to make a conscious effort to choose the right food stuffs to eat. After a while, you will automatically start eating healthy.
2. Avoid carbohydrates that have a high glycemic index. Take a look at a Glycemic Index chart and familiarize yourself with the foods that are low on the Index scale. Completely avoid foods that have an unacceptable value on the scale. Fruits, vegetables and most other unprocessed foods are always good to eat. Low carbs diets are highly recommended and you can keep track of your carbs by referring to a chart.
3. Never make drastic changes to your diet. Your body would most often find it difficult to cope with major shifts in your diet. Try to make more gradual changes a little at a time. Don't make the mistake of trying to lose weight in a hurry. You didn't gain weight overnight. You cannot lose it as fast either. You would have to lose it slowly and at a more natural pace. By gradually shifting to a more healthy diet, your body would be able to adjust to the changes and adapt itself to a healthier lifestyle. Moreover, you would also be able to sustain a changed lifestyle when you make the changes more gradually.
When you make these three simple changes to your diet, you will be able to shed those extra pounds and keep them off for good. You will also be able to live a healthier and more fulfilling life in the long run.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8172708
Great Tips To Lose Weight Naturally

Great Tips To Lose Weight Naturally

Alright so lets dive right in but before we do let me ask you a few questions.
Have you ever?
Been ashamed of your physical appearance
Felt like losing weight was impossible?
Wanted to live a healthier life?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions or any related questions, then I will be glad to help you every step of the way to achieve success.

We all know losing weight isn't the easiest thing in the world and it definitely takes time to do so. Losing weight can be severely boring and can really tire you out quickly after a hard day at work. In order to lose weight naturally I recommend these 3 quick tips that 1, do not require any time consuming effort, and 2, don't require and extreme exercises.
Drink A LOT of water (dump soda/carbonated drinks)
Drop beef/hamburger (eat more chicken/fish)
After every meal eat 1 cup of fruits/veggies
Doing just these three things can actually really begin to jump start your metabolism and get you to begin your journey on your weight loss. Now we can begin to look at some more of the work out methods that not only one has helped me, but 2, I was a skinny guy back in the day and this really help me bulk up and lose weight naturally.
Lifting weights- This actually can turn into a hobby just don't lift the same body part every day you will hurt and cause damage to your muscles, however as stated in the first three tips eating chicken will actually help you drop that weight and replace it with muscle.
Power walking/running. The main error that I see daily when people power walk is their pace and breathing habit. When power walking keep a steady pace all the time and don't breathe in and out your mouth, instead try this, breathe in your nose and then out your mouth, this will help you keep balance and allow you to have more energy while exercising.
Just lose weight naturally. This maybe important tip I can provide. There is no such thing as a miracle pill or miracle surgery that will just miraculously make you drop the weight and keep it off. This step is basically everything listed above in one large step which is why the term naturally is within lose weight naturally.

Six Easiest Ways to Lose Weight Fast

Easiest Ways to Lose Weight Fast
Weight gain is an issue for most people. Most people blame not having time to exercise as their biggest challenge. Staying fit however need not be hard, expensive or even strenuous. There are small things that can be incorporated in our day to day activities that would ensure that we stay fit and healthy without even trying. Here's a number of ways to help one lose weight more easily:

1. Drink 64 ounces of water a day
Drinking lots of water is the easiest way to lose weight. It not only increases the metabolic rate making it easier for the body to burn calories, it also reduces appetite and flushes out toxins from the body making the skin glow. Always keep a bottle of cold water in your car or on the office desk. It will do you wonders.
2. Exercise
For the body to burn fat, there is need to exercise regularly. It need not be vigorous exercise. Walking for 45 minutes, that morning jog, skipping rope, 50 press ups a day, cycling or even yoga will work just fine. Just make sure that you get to sweat. Follow this religiously and you'll reap the benefits in no time.
3. Eat lots of high fiber foods
Fiber helps the body's digestive system greatly while making one stay full for longer. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables have high fiber contents. The fruits and vegetables also supply the body with vitamins required to protect the body against diseases. It is advisable to always have a healthy snack with you like an apple, carrot, banana, pear or oranges.
4. Take five small meals a day
Instead of eating three big meals, take five small meals throughout the day. This helps the body by giving it time to digest. It also helps clean the colon, reducing the chances of getting colon cancer. Make sure to eat healthy snacks in between to ensure that you don't eat a lot of food at meal time.
5. Have enough bed rest
Enough rest is crucial for the body to rejuvenate especially after sessions of exercising. Make sure to have at least 8 hours of sleep a day. It also restores the body and gives one the energy required to keep exercising.
6. Watch what you eat
Processed food has a lot of empty calories that will not do any good to your body. As much as our body needs carbohydrates for energy, learn to substitute bad carbohydrates with the good ones. Choose cooking rather than eating out, take brown rice rather than the white, choose whole grain over processed flour, brown bread over white and so on. Generally, go for the more filling low calorie diet rather than the high sugar, high fat diet.

5 Tips to Get Slim and Stay Slim

 Tips to Get Slim and Stay Slim
Want to lose weight fast? Being fat is no fun, and it's bad for your heath too. In this article, we'll look at five fast weight loss tips.
You know why you're overweight: you've developed bad habits. Changing those bad habits starts when you become

aware of what they are. When you follow these five tips, you'll understand how your weight crept on, and you can make subtle changes which will not only help you to lose weight, but will also to keep it off.
1. Start a Food Journal -- if It's in Your Mouth It's on the Page
When something becomes a habit, you lose awareness of it. It's completely automatic. You regain awareness when you keep a food journal. Keep your food journal for a week, without changing your diet in any way. When you do this, you can see the habits which have caused you to put on weight in black and white.
Write down everything you eat and drink, and the hours at which you ate.
2. Move It! Get Moving Every Day
To stay healthy, you have to move. This doesn't mean that you need to spend an hour at the gym every day.
Start becoming aware of how much you sit down, and stand up more. At work, stand up when you answer the phone. Take the stairs. Walk to someone's office rather than sending them an instant message.
3. Shop Wisely - Eliminate Killer White Foods
Become aware of heavily processed foods -- those containing white flour, sugar and fat -- and work to eliminate them from your diet. Buy whole-meal bread. Eat fruit rather than a cookie or other processed snack.
4. Get a Diet Buddy -- Become Accountable
It's almost impossible to lose weight alone. Unless you have someone to check in with, you'll fall back into your bad food habits. Get a diet buddy, someone who has just as much weight to lose as you do, and who's eager to drop pounds.
Weigh yourself once a week. Your diet buddy does the same. When you know you'll have to share the weight you've gained with your diet buddy next week, you'll forgo that creamy dessert when you eat out.
5. Use Your Head -- Your Imagination Is Powerful
Here's a tip which really works: use your imagination to see yourself slim.
Daydream about that tiny bikini you'll fit into, and how great it will be to buy the clothes you really want. Your imagination is keeping you fat: you imagine how great a certain food will taste. Use your imagination to imagine how great you'll feel when you look slim and can do all the things you want to do.